
A septuagenarian going alone

A Japanese septuagenarian

  Wallowing in languages, a Japanese septuagenarian travels abroad alone - Oh, Ojinjin

  1 - Coqui ou cocu?

  Back in Sepetember 2015, I became 70. In Japan, the age of 70 is referred to as 古希、pronounced coqui, coki, or koki, anyways, meaning, literally, old and rare. That is, it was really rare back in those days to see an old person who had attained to 70.

  Naturally, poeole were supposed to celebrate 古希, and even now, many do celebrate.

  In my case, however, there was no one to do so. Nobody celebrated my 70th birthday.

I'm married. I've brought up a family of four. But, alas, not a single soul of my family, wife included, celebrated this attainment of mine. Seemingly, my wife didn't notice I'd become 70. We Japanese, at least people of my age and generation, tend to disregard birthdays - it's an individual matter-, some people may say if you ask why. - Individuality is something to be preceeded by what encompasses individuals -. There must be people, rather many, I'm afraid, who would reply that way if you ask further why. 

  Still, I felt bad that, of all people, my wife, looking unaware, didn't even begin to celebrate this special age of mine. I felt so bad that I felt as if I was made cocu instead of coqui.


   1 - コキかそれともコキュか?



 ぼくの場合、けれども、誰もそうする者はいなかった。誰もぼくの七十回目の誕生日を祝わなかった。僕は所帯をもっている。四人の家族を養ってきた。でも、悲しいかな、一人としてぼくの家族の誰も、妻も含めて、このぼくの達成を祝わなかった。見たところ妻はぼくが七十になったのに気付かない様子だった。ぼくら日本人は、少なくともぼくと同年輩同世代の人々は誕生日を度外視する向きがある。ー それは個人的な事柄だよ。何故かと聞けばそう答える人もいるだろう。- 個人性って個々人を包括するものに先を越されるのさ。更に何故かと聞いたら、そんな具合に応える人もかなりいるのではないだろうか。


 ( 記ーコキュ、仏cocu - 意味、間抜け、妻を取られた男 - I first met this word in one of Yukio Mishima's works, Kyoko's House - 鏡子の家)